
This page is dedicated to the summary of personal collection of pdf documents and other resources for learning purposes, free to share; if you have personal resources that need to be displayed, you can also contact me by email or telegram, you can also leave a message in the comments section below, I will use my discretion to put it in the display bar below, long live open source, thanks to Intenet.

The resources on this page need the following information to fill in the format, if necessary, please send it to me together if possible, thank you.


  - title: 	GDAL Source Code Dissection and Development Guide
    description: CSDN blog star, GDAL experts for 5 years of hard work, a GDAL Chinese technical book, many industry experts recommended
    image: wangpan.png

  - title: Chinese National Standard Map
    description: The standard map is prepared according to the standards of drawing national boundaries of China and other countries in the world, and can be used for news and propaganda maps, book and newspaper illustrations, background maps for advertising displays, base maps for craft designs, etc. It can also be used as a reference base map for the preparation of public maps. The public can browse and download the standard map for free, and the standard map needs to be marked with the review number when using it directly.
    image: CNmap.png

Resources is for study purposes only.

Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Chinese National Standard Map

The standard map is prepared according to the standards of drawing national boundaries of China and other countries in the world, and can be used for news and propaganda maps, book and newspaper illustrations, background maps for advertising displays, base maps for craft designs, etc. It can also be used as a reference base map for the preparation of public maps. The public can browse and download the standard map for free, and the standard map needs to be marked with the review number when using it directly.
Author by Jerrychoices
Built with Hugo
Theme Stack designed by Jimmy

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